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A Partial Matthaeus Greiter Discography

AlbumTitle Subtitle Works Performers Record Label Catalog No
Josquin Des Prez Missa Fortuna Desperata 1. Fortuna Desperata (Busnois); 2. Missa Fortuna Desperata (DesPrez); 3. La Plus Des Plus (DesPrez); 4. Bergerette Savoysienne (DesPrez); 5. Adieu Mes Amours (DesPrez); 6. Consideres Mes Incessantes/Fortuna (DesPrez); 7. Bruder Conrat/Fortuna (Isaac); 8. Herr Durch Dein Bluet/Pange Lingua/Fortuna (Senfl); 9. Fortuna Zibaldone (Anon.); 10. Passibus Ambiguis/Fortuna (Greiter) The Clerk's Groupdir.Edward Wickham ASV Gaudeamus CD GAU 220

Matthaeus Greiter  |  The Research Periods